Myristic Acid is a naturally occurring ingredient in palm oil, coconut oil and butter fat. It exists as an oily white crystalline solid and is used as an emulsifier and surfactant in cosmetic products to give it stability.
244 – 248
0.8 Max
245 – 249
52 – 54
Max, Lovibond 5 ¼” : 1.5 Yellow, 0.6 Red
1 % Max
99 % Min
0.5 % Max
faint odor
54.5 c
230 f
acetone, alcohol, benzene, chloroform, ether, aromatic and chlorinated solvs.
326.2 c
0.8739 (80 c)
in water
Oleochemicals: Fatty Acids, Fatty Alcohol & more, Green Chemicals – Eco-Friendly
Intermediates, Humectants & Emollients
Food Chemicals, Cosmetic, Industrial, Pharmaceutical, Resin & Coating